About Me

Full Name:
Josh Karnofsky


Philadelphia, PA

University of Pennsylvania,
Class of 2017

I am interested in all forms of creation. This most often manifests in my programming and music projects as well as my entrepreneurial interests. It has also led to me often exploring new things to learn from photo editing in Adobe Photoshop to making short films in Adobe Premiere Pro. I closely follow new technology and startups, and enjoy experimenting with new programming languages and frameworks.



An iPhone application providing quick calculations to medical students or doctors based on preliminary diagnoses and patient data.

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NBA Outcomes with Neural Nets

As the final project for my Machine Learning course, I worked in a small team to develop a neural net model for predicting the outcomes of NBA games based on the results of previous games.

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As a fun “spy” tool for kids, this iPhone application allows users to access photo and video options while under the guise of looking at applications.

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A NodeJS web application that provides users with the ability to find other members interested in going to the same event.

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Real-Time Sound Reactive LED Display

An RGB LED light system using a Raspberry Pi and Python that reacts in real-time to any audio streamed through a connected stereo receiver.

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Tandem Bagels

An interactive Android application for the Tandem Bagel Company's restaurant.

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Solving the App Submission Problem

A post about how I automated the app submission process during my 2014 internship.

Developing SpyCam

The story of how I went about creating my first iPhone application SpyCam back in 2014, and the important things I learned along the way as I faced the unexpected challenges of development.